As we enjoy the first summer in two years without pandemic restrictions, it’s clear that dining and partying outdoors will be firmly on the menu for much of the UK this year. Even the weather seems to be in agreement, most of the time! But outside events have a whole different set of considerations to those held indoors. And serving …
Events That Made Me Podcast
Linda Plant 6 July 2020: Linda Plant: Working on A Market Stall Taught Me Everything I Needed to Know About Business She may be known as the Queen of Mean, but when it comes to business Linda Plant certainly knows how to succeed. In a new interview on the July 8, 2020 edition of the Events That Made Me podcast, …
Team building during social distancing
My team is incredible. Their loyalty and commitment over the last few months have been exceptional. As many of us tentatively head back to our place of work now lockdown measures are lifting, team building within a business has never been more important. But team building during social distancing comes with unique challenges. Let me explain. It’s clear that our …
The Sustainable Dilemma
Sustainable Events After Coronavirus There has been one winner through the coronavirus pandemic; the environment. Changes we never dreamt were possible have happened in a matter of months. And on a global scale. We’ve seen the cancellation of eight out of ten international flights. Waters are clearing of plastic and pollution. Air quality is improving. Endangered species are returning to …
Social Distance for Meetings
Over the past two months I’ve done a lot of thinking about how we can begin to deliver events again. Most of you will know. I’m not the type of person to just accept that I’m unable to work indefinitely. When I hit a wall, I tend to look for something to knock it down with. If I can’t knock …
Coronavirus Lost Generation of 2020
Coronavirus Lost Generation of 2020 Since the beginning of the pandemic employment or indeed the uncertainty has been one of my concerns. New research into youth unemployment has found that 600,000 more young people could be out of work this year due to the coronavirus. With pay and prospect ‘scarred’ for years. INDEPENDENT ARTICLE They will become the Coronavirus lost …
How to Choose the Right Event Company
We are in the midst of our industry’s rebound from the pandemic, and running headlong into some tough economic conditions. There is no doubt that whether you are a corporate event planner, SME, event buyer or event agency professional, the next few months will present incredible commercial challenges. I am an optimist. I believe that we can build a strong …
Game of Thrones Inspired Wedding Feast
Game of Thrones Inspired Wedding Feast The organisation of any wedding needs a keen eye for detail. However, when the bride’s vision involves three days of celebrations, a bespoke-built nightclub, a wedding breakfast in the backdrop of a magical garden, a Game of Thrones inspired wedding feast complete with medieval village and sunken banqueting hall, AND a guest appearance by …
Best UK Venue Virtual Tours
Best UK Venue Virtual Tours These unusually challenging business times has enforced a new way of working on us all. Lockdown. Home working. Virtual meeting. All are part of everyday business life for so many of us now. Meetings and large events are, of course, on hold. This has had a major impact on my industry, but also hindered many …
Wedding Planning You Can Do During Lockdown
Wedding Planning You Can Do During Lockdown You may think that social distancing measures and lockdowns have put your wedding planning on hold until further notice. They haven’t. These ‘do at home jobs’ from TLC’s events director, Jess Randall, will channel your energies into something positive. Use any free time you have wisely to get ahead of the planning process. …