Eclectic Event Venues chosen by TLC LTD

Eclectic Event Venues

A collection of unique venues tailored to every occasion.

The Taylor Lynn Corporation’s (TLC) exceptional venue finding service combines industry know-how with a little black book of contacts that’s second-to none. You see, we understand that when it comes to crafting extraordinary events, the choice of venue sets the stage for an unforgettable experience. That's why we take great pride in our up-to-date and exclusive portfolio of venue options, ensuring that each event we curate is held in the most enchanting and coveted locations.

This includes getting ahead of the game, with access to new venues that aren’t even open yet! For TLC, being on the it-list for new venue openings isn’t just a privilege. It’s an essential element of our success. Our impeccable reputation precedes us. So, new venues aspire to be on our radar.

In addition, our overall access to the most sought-after venues means we can offer you an unparalleled selection that transcends conventional hotel, bar, and restaurant options.

From elegant railway arches exuding an air of vintage charm, to exchanging vows in a private garden adorned with blooming flowers and cascading fountains, to hidden gems tucked away in the heart of the city, our venue finding service offers a compelling opportunity to share TLC’s unique vision.

But our expertise extends far beyond the venue selection. Our luxury event planners possess an innate ability to transform spaces. We understand weddings and corporate events aren’t merely gatherings, but celebrations of life's most precious moments.

When you choose our complimentary venue finding service, you're not just investing in an event; you're investing in a seamless and richly rewarding journey.

The Taylor Lynn Corporation (TLC) has inroads into exclusive venues that set us apart as the epitome of aspirational event management. Contact the TLC team of venue finders and event planners today for a chat about your ideas and allow us to bring your vision into glorious reality.

Inspirational and aspirational. Not a follower of trend; a leader of it. Join our social community below for a glimpse into TLC’s exclusive style, ideas and creativity. Elements that elevate our events with a unique sense of excitement.