Homeworking Power Heroes Guide

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Homeworking Power Heroes Guide These are unprecedented times for us all, and it requires businesses of all sizes to adapt quickly.  One of the incredible things about TLC has always been its team.  A group of talented and inspiring individuals, who join with me to create memorable events.  For the moment, those events are all planned for the autumn and …

planning the perfect Christmas Party

Planning the Perfect Christmas Party

admin1 Corporate Events, 2 Private Party, Uncategorised, Uncategorized

Planning the Perfect Christmas Party Liz Taylor, founder and MD of the Taylor Lynn Corporation, took time out of her events schedule to share her tips on planning the perfect Christmas Party with guests who were invited to a networking lunch at Sheffield’s stunning Whirlowbrook Hall, part of Vine Hotels. Guests had the opportunity to hear advice and anecdotes from …

Six Ways to Upgrade Your Mocktails

admin1 Corporate Events, 2 Private Party, Uncategorised, Uncategorized

Let’s be clear. There is nothing ‘mock’ in a TLC mocktail. A cocktail with or without alcohol can still be part of an incredible party experience.  Dry January throws the spotlight on alcohol-free living, but we’re very often asked to plan dry parties, corporate events and weddings throughout the course of the year.  And it’s fair to say, corporate and …